Monday, June 28, 2010

Forks Over Knives...

So excited for any documentary revealing the truth of food!
I have shared this in my own small circle of friends and family as to not be "to activisty" (as my husband puts it) on my blog but I just couldn't help myself... I had to share it with everyone!

This film is said to not be about animal welfare (who not all my connect with), but about our profound ability to take control over our own health (something we all connect with). As humans, as mothers, as fathers, brothers, sisters, children we all want to live a long and fulfilled life. I hope that as more of these documentaries and more information on becoming vegan become available we will all be able to see that the ticket to that long and fulfilling life is to eliminate animal products from our diet if not entirely in your lifestyle. As more people are made aware of the fact that we can find our protein without saturated fat and cholesterol, that our calcium sources do not need to be laden with antibiotics, growth hormones and suffering and that there are soooo many delicious and amazing foods out there that we do not experience with our traditional Americanized diets we WILL see a shift in our health. The need for medication management will drop drastically, children suffering from diabetes and obesity will be no more. And losing a loved one too early to heart disease, cancer and many other degenerative diseases does NOT have to be... If you are not the type of person that listens with your heart to the suffering of animals then be the type of person that listens with your head to the proven science of how your diet is ABSOLUTELY connected to your health.

I have to post my sisters thanks that she sent to Forks Over Knives as I found it to be incredibly well said-
"Please know we have kind regards for those who put life work and effort into something of this magnitude! It is a lifestyle change desperately needed across the globe! For the sake of all earthlings, human born, animals...etc, the cause must be expressed clearly and accurately. I am so excited to see the film and thank you to all who are vested in the film in advance."

Quickly, before I sign off... Forks Over Knives may not be out yet, but Earthlings is available on DVD and for a lighter look at the animal for food industry check out Food Inc. Also, The China Study written by Dr. T. Colin Campbell is a great if you are looking for data and the Food Revolution by John Robbins for how our diet affects the world around us is also a great read!

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